
The Coming of Joy

It may seem strange to begin the Advent season with a reading from the end of Jesus’ life. Advent literally means “to come.” During the Season of Advent, we concentrate on the scriptures that speak of the 1st “coming” of Christ or the confident hope we have his 2nd “coming.”

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Rich in Love

In our reading from Luke 12, Jesus was asked to settle a dispute between two brothers. One brother believes he has been wronged by his sibling and asked Jesus to tell his brother to give him his half of their inheritance.

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Long Live Our King

In movies and in literature we often hear the idiom proclaimed, “Long Live the King” when one monarch dies and another takes their place. Allegedly, this idiom was first used in France upon the death of Charles VII in 1461.

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Peace in Our Time

In 2020 we lost the great Rock n Roll artist, Eddie Money of 70’s, and 80’s fame. Maybe it is a little stretch to call him “great”, but he did have some hits over those two decades, such as “I Wanna Go Back”, “Two Tickets to Paradise”, “Think I’m in Love”, and “Baby Hold On.”

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Fight, Freeze, or Flight

Over the past couple of years, I have attended a number of church safety training sessions. It is a sad reality that these trainings are now a necessary part of leading a church, but the trainings have been helpful and informative on many levels.

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Life in the End

We all inevitably come to a time in our lives when enough is enough. We have done all that we can do and we just cannot do anymore. Life is an exhausting endeavor there are so many trials to endure, hills to overcome, and situations to conquer…

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Finding Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

Like in most families, my family members do not always agree. I am the youngest of three and periodically throughout the year we all get together. Usually, our gatherings involve a shared meal. Inevitably during our meal together diverse topics of the world will come up for discussion…

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